Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I was thinking about this on my way home from school today. And I don't really understand what I'm saying, but I get it. Kind of. I figure that the reason I don't always feel inspired to blog. Well, I mean that there are spans of LONG TIMES that I don't feel like blogging, or drawing, or painting, or writing poetry, is that that side of my brain switched off. Not really, but is overpowered by other parts. The icky business part. But icky as it MAY be (i still think I can make some sort of difference (ethically or environmentally)) it is still me, just as much a part of me as the artist that creeps out a little more often then it should sometimes. I'm so damn flighty too often. Anyway, this semester I have no art classes. I have to do all the artsy stuff on my own accord. Which is good. I should, that means I truly do like it. I get tired of it though, sometimes. and I also get tired of Business. I don't ever get tired of Spanish, although I probably would if I did it enough. And it is rare that I get tired of running or working out.. . but I do. Anyway, all this comes down to is that I get confused sometimes because the stages that I go through change when they're not supposed to. Like right now! ahhh,, i have many things to get done for school this week. (side note: Yes, I know I may not be the busiest person in the world, you may be much busier, but that doesn't mean that i don't have things besides school and significant others and jobs going on in my life so don't belittle me because you've got more tests and appointments this week than I do.) Anyway, Here's the deal for my friends. I will be stressed and stupid next year, please do not expect me to be intelligent ever (even though I'm not right now). Because I will have the final touches of all three majors next year and trust me, they are ALL nothing alike. My brain will be so torn every which way and confused. haha,, it'll be fun!

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