Thursday, January 27, 2005

Right has awakened

Yay, I have woken up my right brain. And all I had to do was start painting. If only i knew. OK, I am sure I did know, but my left brain is sometimes too stubborn to step down for a bit and let me become balanced. Not that I'm balanced very often! But anyway I noticed last night that once my right brain wakes up, it is hard for me to put it to bed. . . I think it's because that side of the head takes no notice to time or anything really besides doing its thing. Any more questions about the oddities of artists? They are ruled by their right brain, see, they just do whatever it wants. And there's no problem with that because really the right brain is always in this sort of bliss. Thankfully, I have figured out that living there doesn't really work for me and wouldn't work for me. The drawback is that sometimes I can't let it control everything, and that my left brain gets to rule a lot. Logic and reality, who wants to live there? (Sorry Kamran!) I'm just kidding! You have to have a bit of both. Even when you think you can't draw or do anything artsy. It's not just visual arts anyway; you can sing, write, daydream (in a non-logical sort of way), act--and you all know we all do that once in a while! So anyway, what was I talking about (see what I mean about doing whatever it wants?) HAHA. I love you all, talk to you later! Have a really good awesome fun day, no matter what brain has you.

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