Thursday, May 25, 2006


It's official. Federated Insurance thinks I'm an paranoid, anal, and obsessive chick who is desperate for work. I just sent the second email updating my references, and before the first one I sent I called to let him know I was sending it. Wow. Actually, I have no idea what they think, it just makes me feel better knowing that that could be the reason they're going to tell me that they don't want me to work for them...if they do that. Ah!
I sent in a cover letter and resume and application to Great Harvest Bread Company in Rochester. I know that it is basically a highschool job and if I do work there I'd have wasted a lot of time and more money on actually getting a degree, but whatever, if it's fun. I'm also trying to find out if Running Room will have any openings. Yep, I'd be a shoe saleswoman. Hmmm. I hate retail. Oh well I like running.
Great weekend coming up! We're going to an awesome baseball game with an awesome friend who unfortunately for me but super awesomely for her will be in NYC for the next couple years saving the world. :) One smile at a time, baby, that's all anyone can ask for. Plus, I get to see my amazing sister and her supercool husband (and her nephews, since she said we could share them since she's not going to give me any of my own for a while). Oh well, I'm sure I she won't have any other ones for a longer time than that. Maybe never. We'll see.
Plus, this Sunday I get to see how the uber crazy private Christian colleges send out their graduates, cuz Johnny's graduating too! Just glad there won't be so damn many BS's there. He he!
Well, that's all I got. Oh, and make sure you're never ashamed of being random. Haven't you ever read my blog? Or does it just make you more ashamed of it. :) Chau!

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