Monday, November 12, 2007


What a shame. I wake up each day with so much creative energy and enthusiasm, and then I kill it. Ahhh! Work is work and that is good. In the words of my brother-in-law, "Work sucks but employment is great." (I can especially relate to that with the industry I've somehow wound up in). I have decided I cannot keep doing this though. I am doing something that is so not Laura that Laura is dying... :( Very sad indeed. I want to check out Pastry Chef/Cake decorating. How fun :) And art and baking all at the same time.

People say not to make your hobbies your job. Well, if they are, then I don't have to become depressed trying to find the time to do those hobbies and I can do my other hobbies.. (Like running and yoga and painting and reading and playing guitar [which has taken the back burner for WAY TOO LONG, by the way]. Anyway, for some reason I thought I should share this, but I'm not sure why. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful time w/ life at the moment... :)


1 comment:

Julie said...

Go for a new job! You'd be great at cake decorating:)