Monday, March 03, 2008

Nothing interesting has happened. Just thought I'd let you know.

Well, Julie came up to get her painting, and that was nice! Lots of fun stuff going on in her city these days. :) I hope to paint some more commissions... LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS! (Not just for Julie everyone, *hint hint*.

Last weekend we went up to Hibbing to spend one final night in the house I basically grew up in. We moved my parents the next day, but not before I ran 7 miles in 1 weather. 1 degree I mean. I love Minnesota. Anyway, I ran my favorite route hooked onto another one from HS Track. That was quite enjoyable. Running up north is soooooo much better than running here, where there are no hills, no trees, and no good places for people to run, or walk. Very sad. Now my parents live in "Greenhaven." Still Hibbing, but the part where all rich little kids lived and went to the rich little elementary school... I think my sister and I both had the same reaction when my mom told us where they'd bought a house. It is a great place though, and I guess their next door neighbors are the parents of one of the nicest kids in my HS Class. My super good HS friend lived in Greenhaven, too, so I guess it's not completely full of little rich twits. Anyway, that day was a good workout. We're lucky my parents have so many friends, and all of them have pick-up trucks.

Oh and I got to drive my sister's new Camry Hybrid back from Chisholm, where we went to a restaurant that had no meatless red sauce, and I'd rather shit my pants in public than eat creamy sauce, so I had a quarter head of iceberg lettuce with count them, 2 each slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, each cut in half, so it was like there were 8 pieces. Not to complain, it is my choice not to eat meat. But really, a hunk of iceberg? Oh well, it was free for me and only $4.50 for my parents. No need to say I ate dinner when I got back to the new house.

People kept asking if it was weird that I'd never be back there and if I had a lot of attachment to it. Yeah but no. I haven't lived their for 7 years or something, and things are always changing. It's not like it really felt like home. Nothing does. Last time I felt like that was last June when I went up to Bemidji and layed down in the grass in the park Bill and I used to play catch and frisbee in. That was home. That's a long way away. Someday........

I went PT at work. Now I can call what I want to call work work. Art. Though, it's been tough because last week I put in 40 hours. I'll have less this week. Quite frankly, I'd like to reduce it to zero. But I don't think we'd last very long in this house if that happened, because essentially my income would reduce to zero. Of course, I'd like my art to sustain Bill and me, but no one else believes that can happen. F 'em all I say. (the second letter was an "r"). Haha, that's what my mom said this weekend when she said "fruckin'" or something. It was riduculous. She's never said the F-word in her life I swear to every god of every religion. She's awesome.

Totally lost my train of thought. Guess that's my cue. Take care.

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