Saturday, October 30, 2004

You talked me into it

OK Amy and Julie A. - - you talked me into it. Maybe this will make me get on the computer more and actually check my email (my mom will like that anyway) :)
Last night was AWESOME. It was just what I needed, as I think the weather is getting to me hard core. Sometimes I think about the world and what is going on and I HATE it. I hate being here and I want to quit life. Then I start thinking more and of course I don't, but maybe some of you have felt the same. Anyway, I love hanging out with my girl friends. You are ALL so inspriational in your own ways and I admire all of you. Yes, singing Hands with you all Rocked!
"Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind" is an amazing movie, you should all see it. It made me realize just how lucky I am, I mean I always knew I am lucky, but it just reiterated it. First that I am so lucky to have great friends like you all that understand me,, well, I wouldn't probably go that far, but you at least listen and pretend! And second, that I have a husband equally as great that yes, sometimes we need times away from each other, but we'd NEVER want to erase ANY time we've had together. And believe me, like I said, there have been times when I've been so down and depressed and Bill had no clue what to do and HAD to have gotten frustrated with not knowing,,, that if I were him I'd want it erased. Thank God I never erased myself.
By the way, the name means "truthfulness"

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yea Laura!