Monday, November 01, 2004


Yes, i am going to Argentina! Ahh, I just got my passport "ordered", or whatever you do. Why? you may ask, as John Hatch did earlier today. i will refrain from saying "shut up" to you as I did him. (I thought he was being smart- - like "why would you want to go there?") Anyway, I am going for six Spanish credits. AND here comes the highlight--(those of you who REALLY know me realize just how much of a highlight this is)--I GET TO SEE PENGUINS! I think I've never been this excited in my life. Actually I have, it was in June of 2004, but after that I haven't. Anyway, I am so lucky and I realize that. I love to travel and see new things. And right around now I have the feeling of hating USA, so seeing a South American country will be good for me. I have been to Mexico and don't really want to go back. But I am glad I went because I have seen what I never had to see. (Does that make sense?) it does to me. Anyway, Chau for now. :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Penguins rock!
Not as much as my mom though...she sent us a Halloween package - you should come eat some yummy candy!