Thursday, April 07, 2005

Alright, I get it

You don't think I can do it. I don't have the capacity or the means. Yeah, well, you don't KNOW me. You've hardly begun to meet me. Other people wanted me to learn math and science and English grammar and how to read and write and how to play floor hockey in a gym class full of boys who don't think girls can do anything. And you know what, I learned it all. And I learned it all better than the average person. Now I WANT to learn something so don't you go and tell me that I can't. I'll get pissed and prove you all incredibly wrong. If I want something I work for it. I wanted to learn to paint so I found people who could teach me. I wanted to learn guitar so I found someone who could help me get started. I wanted to run so I found friends that run to get me started. But you know what, after the initial start I did it myself. Now I've found something that I've already found someone to help me start, AND I've got people to help me all the way. So DO NOT tell me I can't do it. You'll see. And then you'll see you had nothing--because you never knew me.


Julie said...

KICK ASS! YES! That's why I love you - because you are a bad ass and you can do anything you want.

Laura said...

I'd love to believe you, especially now. . . You know I miss you