Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Well, that was an idea. "Idea", that's a Spanish word. You know, ever since I started understanding the Spanish language, I suck at English. No, not really, I'm just not as good as I used to be. Like, it took me over a week to figure out that "arquitecture" is not how you spell "architecture" in English. Oops. And what are we doing putting the comma on the wrong side of the quotes. Oh well. Anyhow, I originally planned on writing on the reason I have written the last few of my blogs on Spanish: language.
I think I won't though, maybe later.
The frase directly below my name on here is, "If beauty were in every aspect of our lives, there would be no need for art." Piet Mondrian said that. Un artista=imagine that. The thing is, he wanted to create art that would change society so that beauty would be in all aspects of our lives. Hmmmm... he aspired to be the last artist. Glad that didn't work out for him.
That phrase, more than anything, yo creo, makes me rejoice for all my lack of beauty. Within, without, you decide. It doesn't matter to me. I am beautiful, and I am not beautiful at the same time. And I see beauty, but much of the time (I openly, freely, and thankfully admit) I have a difficult if not impossible time finding beauty in some things. Sometimes in todas things (that hasn't happened for a while and I am thankful for that). Thank Dios, what would I do without art?
I liked how my blog looked when I wrote it all in EspaƱol. My sign-in name is a Spanish palabra. It seemed to be more fitting that I wrote in Spanish. "Veracidad" in English, if you follow the exact contruction of the word, means "truthy". not a word (there I did it again, the period on the wrong side of the quote thing). That doesn't make sense. Both sides of the quotes are part of the sentence. Why do we stick one of them out of it? Oh well I guess, as long as we know what to do and we all do it, right? Anyhow, the best translation we have is "truthfulness," which to me kind of sucks, but whatever. I had trouble picking my word because my favorite words in English either too closely resemble their Spanish counterparts, or the Spanish counterparts are ugly. Take the word "honesty" for example. This word fits both cases, "honesto." Ewww. Maybe Linguistics is a good place for me to go. Why I don't choose to study my own language, I don't know. Yes I do. That's too easy! I get bored with easy. But then again, I don't actually think it would be easy. I think I am just in love with exploration and developing my understanding of other cultures and ideas and reasons. This world is NOT America. And por Dios it shouldn't be.
OK why'd I do it. I don't really know for certain the reason I thought I'd write in Spanish. Some of my blogs are actually reactions to others' blogs, one person in particular. Sometimes they cause these feeling of something like "what the hell", or "uuugggh". Ha ha. That first time I wrote in Spanish was one of these reactions. You all don't know what you're reading. No, strike that, you know what you're reading, but you don't know what I wrote. You can't "read" my life. I believe I just proved that with my last few posts. I knew what I wrote. You didn't. Maybe I was also seeing if anyone actually wanted to know what I was writing. I found out that not many people did. Though I knew it would turn out that way. Maybe I used it to prove to myself that most people who read these blogs are mostly uninterested. They just want the most basic, shallow, and easy information they can get. Not everyone, but most by far. FAR. One of these minorities is I'm happy to announce my Mom. It should be that way. If you only want the information acquired from a blog about your daughter, that's not right. So I'm saying thanks to you, Mom. (of course for more than digging a bit deeper than a blog into my life and ideas and cares and aspirations). It's nice to know that a few others are out there that are either more curious or caring than others. :)
Along with that thanks, I want to say thanks to Amy, because I ran out on the Paul Bunyan Trail and I had to really really try, but I lost myself for a bit in time. So thanks.
That's not all I wanted to say, to be sure, but it's enough.


Laura said...

Ha ha ha. yes, you are the Amy in reference. ;) I think the trail will have to wait until July to see me again, but the reason for my absence is worth it!!

Julie said...

I translated it - all of it.