Wednesday, July 13, 2005

learn/teach, teach/learn

My mom said, "You learn so much when you teach."
She used to teach in HS, Special Ed. (I figured that out during high school after years of thinking she taught English)
She also has taught in college....... and me.
JULIE, AMY, back her up. Cuz I love learning, and I want to teach, and so, back her up for me! Shout it out cuz it's true!!!!!! :) YAY for us. (Especially those of us who are already there) I've got another year... just one more year... (unless I don't get accepted to any grad programs, in which case I will bitterly become depressed for the rest of my life. Not really, I'll run and paint and then my bitterness will desolve with the passing of time and life will go on and I'm a dork).
But I am excited about teaching and learning, and learning and teaching. And eating TVP and TSP. :)


Julie said...

Your mom kicks.

Berne said...

Moms are smart!