Thursday, September 01, 2005

That's just too bad, isn't it?

Imagine yourself as a somewhat overly arrogant art professor (foreign, to complicate things more) who has tought one year at a somewhat sucky (especially in your department) little university far from pretty much anything but beautiful nature and souls of aspiring students. Good so far? Great. In walks this girl who you have never seen before--never even heard of before, who tells you she is in your advanced painting class for one credit. You don't even get the concept of taking a four credit class for one credit. Hmmm. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I'm sure you might say in your head at this young woman, especially since you've never seen or heard about anything she has done before in painting or in any realm of art. After seeing a few paintings, one of which had been done in Intermediate Painting and two on her own, you're probably wondering what the hell she was thinking when she did them. "OK so you do abstract?" Hmmm.. again 'Can you actually paint?' said in your head. This girl has not had screening, she has another major that she's going to grad school for, she doesn't seem to have a feasible reason for wanting to paint anyway, and all I've seen are a few paintings that make no sense, especially since she hasn't painted a self-portrait. (somehow that makes all the difference). I have to help this girl? OooooKaaaayyy.............. That's just too bad, isn't it?

Now imagine you're a student at this same somewhat sucky university who has changed your mind many many times and has finally figured out just what it is you want to end up with here, but the only professor who has seen you develop any sort of painting ability has been in New York (which is why you waited to take Advanced Painting this year) But she will be this year, your last year, again. So, you are forced to take your last painting class split up into one and three credits per semester, respectively, from a somewhat overly arrogant art instructor from Russia who has never seen you or heard of you before and certainly has not seen any of your artwork, and doesn't understand the concept of taking a class for one credit out of four, and doesn't really understand why you haven't been "screened" or why you're only getting a B.A. in Art and not a B.F.A. But you have to take this class to get the degree you want and you don't really listen to people who say that you can't or really shouldn't do something so you just have to put up with the arrogance and the "what the hell are you thinking" and the fact that whoever is your professor, she's not gonna know you anyway. That's just too bad, isn't it?

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHGG!! I'm so freakin' frustrated!!!!!

OK, I'm OK, it's a bit better . . .


Julie said...

Remember that I love you!
Sorry I was busy at work...ususally I'm not :(

Laura said...

That's OK! It happens. I took my portfolio to school with those paintings that I showed Natalia, and that bright pink post-it that you wrote "I love you" on and stuck on there is still there! So I can never ever forget! Nor will I!
Oh, and I love you too so there!!!