Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Ah! I was just told that if I wanted to apply for a position as a yoga teacher at a new wellness center opening in September of '09, that I can't bring any "New Age," or "Buddhism," into the practice. It's so funny how it went down, too, because I was going to call her about teaching private sessions through there. They don't even have a space for yoga classes. Well, maybe they'll get space, who knows. Anyway, beside the point. She's looking for a Christ-Centered yoga teacher, so if anyone knows of any in the St Cloud Area, please tell me and I'll hook them up. I'm good at hooking people up, apparently, just ask Julie A. Anyway, while talking to her I just mentioned that Jesus is AWESOME, but I can't be exclusive because the God we worship, to me, is the same God all spiritualities and religions worship. So although I don't deny Jesus in my personal spirituality, I can't exclude other practices. Then I came to writing this blog, though I don't know why it seems so important - must be that ego thing again - drat - and I wrote WWJD? in the subject line. Actually, I think it's pretty fitting. Answer me this: Can you see Jesus Christ teaching Yoga that is centered only on himself? I think we so easily forget that Jesus taught unconditional Love and Compassion for all. I think we even more easily forget that Jesus wasn't the founder of Christianity. Ah, anyway, I truly mean no disrespect. In fact, a Christ-centered yoga is probably much needed around these conservative Catholic parts. And they are still getting a slice of Yoga, from which they can follow the path of their choice. It really doesn't matter, they all lead to the same thing. All is One.

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